CDO.Message.1: The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid. I'm pretty sure it's a permission issue, because when I run the script using "run as administrator" it works fine. Here's the .vbs file: param = "" If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then param = Wscript.Arguments(0) end if set objNewMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")


11 apr. 2017 — Hej! Sitter på en XP-burk med IIS plus SMTP-servern installerad. Prövade exemplet nedan men fick det inte att fungera. Set objEmail = CreateOBject(CDO.

If this field is not set, no authentication is attempted when posting messages using the SMTP protocol. If you run into problems when using this code, please post in the DiscountASP.NET or Everleap community forum. Technical support is unable to assist with specific coding issues. CDO.Message.1 The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid. Forum – Learn more on SQLServerCentral CDO.Message sendusing and smtpauthenticate.

Cdo sendusing

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I så fall kan du använda CDO , vilket står för Collaboration Data Object , istället Punkt ( " http://schemas. microsoft . com /CDO /konfiguration /sendusing " )=2 " . I det här exemplet använder du CDO-komponenten i Excel för att skicka ut ett Item("") = 2 . Request("meddelande") set objMessage = server.createobject("cdo.message") Flds.Item("") = 2 Configuration') Set objFlds = objConf.Fields objFlds.Item('http://schemas.​') = 2 'cdoSendUsingPort objFlds. Sub CDO\_Mail\_Small\_Text () Ange iMsg = CreateObject (' CDO.Message ') Artikel ('') = 2 Item("") = "​com" .Item("") = 2 Global = False 'one match at a time Set Message = New CDO. Item('http://​') = 2 Configuration.Fields.

Named Constant. VBA Access - Отправка E-Mail через CDO. Item(sConfig & "smtpserver") = "" 'SMTP Сервер .Item(sConfig & "smtpauthenticate") = 1 'SMTP  Hello All, I am using CDO to email employees schedules to them, and Item("") = 2 'NTLM method .

5 May 2017 The CDO technology is still avalibale but the remote SMTP server Item ("http://") = 2 

It does not depend on MAPI or CDO and hence is dialog free and does not use your mail program to send email. Se hela listan på 2004-11-29 · For those of you who aren’t familiar with CDO (short for Collaboration Data Objects) this technology provides a way for you to send email from a script. As long as you have an SMTP server located somewhere on your network, you can create and send an email using code similar to this: Set objEmail = CreateObject(“CDO.Message”) 2013-08-22 · Sign in to vote.

Cdo sendusing

2004-11-29 · For those of you who aren’t familiar with CDO (short for Collaboration Data Objects) this technology provides a way for you to send email from a script. As long as you have an SMTP server located somewhere on your network, you can create and send an email using code similar to this: Set objEmail = CreateObject(“CDO.Message”)

Cdo sendusing

CDO (Collaboration Data Objects) is a Microsoft technology that is designed to simplify the creation of messaging applications. CDOSYS is a built-in component in ASP. We will show you how to use this component to send e-mail with ASP. Sending email via VBScript or VBA using CDO is easy to do, but the correct configuration to relay through Office 365 is confusing to say the least and it took me me a while to find the correct settings. I knew from configuring other devices and software that the preferred way to setup SMTP to relay to Office 365 was to use TLS on port 587. 2010-06-11 CDO.Message.1: The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid. I'm pretty sure it's a permission issue, because when I run the script using "run as administrator" it works fine. Here's the .vbs file: param = "" If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then param = Wscript.Arguments(0) end if set objNewMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") 2016-12-16 2018-05-23 2004-11-29 I'm trying to use CDO.Message to send emails from my web server. Everything works OK when sending to an internal email address, but fails when sending to an external one.

Download source files - 1 Kb; Introduction. Use this example to allow users of your website to submit feedback and send emails using IIS and its SMTP service.
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Cdo sendusing

<% set objMessage = createobject ("cdo.message") set objConfig = createobject ("cdo.configuration") Set Flds = objConfig.Fields Flds.Item ("") = 2 Flds.Item ("") =" [Mail Server Name]" ' This article describes how to use the Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) for Windows 2000 library (Cdosys.dll) to send an e-mail message with attachments. You can send text or HTML or a Web page in the body of the e-mail message by using the local SMTP server or by using a smart host server in Microsoft Visual C#. Sending mail from Excel with CDO . What is CDO doing. The example code is using CDOSYS (CDO for Windows 2000). It does not depend on MAPI or CDO and hence is dialog free and does not use your mail program to send email.

How to Fix Invalid SendUsing Configuration using CDO. When you use CDOsys to send email from a classic ASP, you might see an error message below and if you look at the line error, it’s always on the message.Send: The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed. Sending e-mail with CDOSYS. CDO (Collaboration Data Objects) is a Microsoft technology that is designed to simplify the creation of messaging applications. CDOSYS is a built-in component in ASP. We will show you how to use this component to send e-mail with ASP. CDO.Message.1 error '80040220' The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.
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I have an asp page that sends the details of a form via email using CDO. So far, I have done this using smtp port 25 over a clear connection to a hmail server. I now need to use an SSL connection.

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As the SMTP service is on the localhost it makes more sense to send to pickup directory using SendUsingPickup (1). This will be more efficient than sending over network to port 25.

Set objEmail = CreateOBject(CDO.